truck got towed to dealer today

Discussion in 'Dodge 3rd Gen Cummins 5.9 (24v)' started by IceHouse, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. IceHouse

    IceHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Elizabeth, CO
    So my 05 g56 4x4 is at the dealer. I was driving on the highway, and noticed a strange noise coming from what I thought was the tires on the milled concrete road. I exited and came to a stop. When I accelerated the truck seemed to be slipping on ice. pulled into a gas station and couldn't go 2 mph without getting a severe shake to the entire truck. I thought I had a flat, but no such luck. The t-case was in 2wd. There was a slight wine when the clutch was let out in neutral, but I could rev the motor without any grinding or clunking. I think the trans is toast. The truck was winched onto a flatbed and towed to the dealer. Warranty should cover what ever it is. I just had the injection pump replaced a couple of days ago because it leaked. Not a good week. Any ideas on what broke? Hopefully they will have a chance to look at it tomorrow.
  2. Diesel Nut

    Diesel Nut Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Sacramento, CA
    Dodge has a run of bad flywheels. I think you may be down for a bit, as last I heard they were about 40 back ordered. One of my customers told Dodge to give him back his truck and he would fix it right the first time! (he is installing teh new SBC Spring Dual disk)
  3. IceHouse

    IceHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Elizabeth, CO
    my flywheel was replaced about a year ago. The dealer said there was a tsb. The truck idled rough, and the new flywheel fixed that. Today, while in neutral the truck revved smoothly. I think the flywheel is still good. Actually I havn't heard too many bad things about the dodge(Luke) dual mass flywheel. I have heard about the ford and chevy dmf's being a problem.

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