i started getting a vibration a cpl days before christmas, ive been puttin off takin it in because i was just figuring it was the tires gettin old, its mainly when i let off adn slow down or turn that im getting the vibes most a lil when accelerating sometimes but not nearly as much. it feel like its coming from the front right of the vehicle. and compares to having it in 4 wheel drive and running at a good clip liek theres tension in the system and its also similar to the rumble strips on the side of the highways but not that bad almost as if i have big mud tires on it. my dad has the same truck as i do but its a long bed and a automatic and his vibrations are alot worse than mine and all the time...i think i seen a tread on here about flywheels being bad in the dodges and was wondering if thats what it might be on his. mine i have no clue u joints maybe
truck is goin to the dealership tommorow, i had a mechanic i know do a quick look at my truck today and he said he didnt think it was the u-joints, he said it could be one of my tires threw a belt which is probly true and part of the problem but im thinkin its more than that maybe in the transfer case or something it started sounding realy bad today... guess ill see what it is tommorow...great timing too as were suppose to get hammered with a winter storm starting tonight and supposidly through midnight tommorrow night 8-12 inches expected yeehaaaa
ok its goin to be a cpl more days till i can get it in to the shop had to cancle todays appointment due to weather and the fact that my dealerships doesnt have lender vehicles when yours goes in.....pita
finally got my truck into the dealer today, the mechanic said it was probly just the rear u-joint or a combanation of u-joints from what he could tell when we took it for a spin..hope that was all i guess ill see in the morning when i give em a call also had em service my dif's
I had that vibration. Turned out to be the rear u-joint. I had it replaced under the 36K warranty. The front u-joint seal was leaking and they replaced that, too.
i should have posted it yesterday on here got my truck back yup rear u-joint is all, i never had a u-joint shake a vehicle like that i thought it was something alot worse