victim of bad parenting...

Discussion in 'The Drivers Seat (Chit-Chat)' started by Seventy4Blazer, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. Seventy4Blazer

    Seventy4Blazer Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Hmm... if someone WAS a victim of bad parenting, and can admit it... then i would LIKE to think that they are also old enough to grow up and be an adult... maybe its just me though... i mean, i am only 27 years old... so i COULD be wrong.

    some people are who they are because they want to be that person...
    you can change who you are. some times it takes more work than you want, some times it makes others around who unhappy with who you become... but blaming it on someone who you no longer have controlling things in your life is childish.

    i could go on and on, but the big thing is STOP BLAME SHIFTING!:popcorn:
  2. sktrek

    sktrek Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    I am a different person than they are (my parents). I live a much better life than they do. They are so jealous of me ,and they continue to try to bring me down. I did not start this. You can see they posted first. You have no idea what you are getting into when it comes to them. I am over it. I have children of my own and am proud of my accomplishments. They need to be adults and get over the fact that they will never be able to live my life. They want me to need them, it is not going to happen and that is where this is coming from. I am done posting about this. I have much more education than to be sucked into this sort of thing. I did that without parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I HAVE NO REGRETS.
  3. rocknbronco

    rocknbronco Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    Flat Top Mtn,Tn
    My childhood was rough but I dont take it out on everyone or blame my folks for things in life that might not go as planned....
    Some of these losers need to get over it....

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