it's not dies anymore. Doesn't matter if it's on or's all clear now. I guess thats one of the benifets of having offroad equipment around the ranch....
Too much, but lucky for me, I can go about 2 months at a time without filling up. No, I haven't found a way to get 100 MPG, I just never drive the truck. I take my E150 with the company gas card.waytogo
2.20-2.30(just about two weeks ago I paid 1.95) and if I fill up near work(1hr west) 2.55+ YuppieeVille USArotfl
2.40 +/- Here in The Roaring Fork valley. For thos e that don't know that is to close to Asspen to call. I think in Asspen it is probably 2.75 or better right know. Heard on radio it is going up agian. Like up to .25 a gal Bummer
That, and greed. Today passing the pumps on the way home from school: Mid Grade= $1.939 Diesel = $2.399 And thats mid grade, diesel is sitting $.50 HIGHER than regular unleaded in town.
And that's less money for something that has more refinement work (more equipment and energy to produce), chemical additives, and hazardous waste products to dispose of than diesel.