The invisable type. I would like to get the triple pod A-pillar that would in hold three automemter guages. Trans temp, EGT, and fuel pressure are the three I plan on going with when I eventually have the money for some bombing.
I use the Edge Attitude LCD display. Selectable to display from 2 to 4 data items as digital or bar graph. I generally just run EGT and Boost as bar graph, but it can display all sorts of things including trans gear and converter lockup, corrected speed, engine temperature, and I don't remember what all else (it's on the Edge site for anyone that cares).
Not sure what I'm going to run, probably Autometer but the Dipricols are popular as well and I'm a dealer for both. I'm going to run EGT/Boost in a 2 gauge A pillar.
I have the Banks Sicx Gun Tuner, it has the EGT and Boost and Tranny allin one. I like this set up because it lets me change the pwoer setting on the fly. I have a standard so the tranny isn't hooked up. 99% of the time I keep it on the EGT's, that is all I really watch.
I went with the Auto Meter 2-1/16" gauges. Pyro and boost are on the pillar and the fuel pressure is tastefully positioned down near the floor shifter/bottom of dash area. I put the FP gauge down there because of the cleaner plumbing from the isolater going through the firewall . Tom
Autometer boost, fuel pressure, EGT, oil pressure. All sitting in the garage waiting to be installed :doah:
I'm using Isspro Enhanced Vision vacuum, boost and pyrometer in an A-pillar triple pod mount and oil pressure, water temp and voltmeter in a triple pod dashboard mount. Randy
I'll second that and add a 4th gauge on the dash in the way of a 2 5/8 pyro. Although they aren't very bright at night.