I've only had my Dodge Ram, Cummins since August 05, and would like to know if anyone has a dealer preference in the San Jose, Calif. locale. I bought the truck at South County Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep in Gilroy, Calif. but live quite a few miles North in the San Jose Area. I would prefer to use a dealer for service that's closer, in case I had to leave my truck overnight, or it had service that took most of the day. Anyway, there's Capitol Dodge, Chris's Dodge World, and Sunnyvale Chrysler Jeep Dodge. Those are the 3 that are reasonably close to my home. Capitol Dodge is the closest to home, and I'm hoping to hear some good things about their service deptmt.. Chris's Dodge World would be the next closest followed by Sunnyvale Chrysler Jeep Dodge.
Lindeman Dodge out in Hollister. Awesome dealer/service dept. Phone number changed, though. Sorry I can't offer more help.