Just trying to stir up some activity, who thinks they have the fastest Diesel powered rig here and why? This is for the guys who use their rig to haul ass!
Race weight- 7300lbs with driver 14.30 traction limited in 4wd Looking to hit high 13's with tranny upgrade John
well i am in i got the cpu reprogramed for some extra hp 100 and a whicked wheel in turbo and the banks bighead a little out so i hold the presher up a little to long 34 PSI the speck is 38 and the spring mod to the fuel pump like 3psi over stock -- makes BLACK SMOKE but it is a X hevey and more set up for towing
Since mine's a stick it will never be the fastest, but kudos to those with the nerve to BOMB $40,000 trucks, I could never do it.
that is just the think the 7.3 is made for ford by internatanal and is detuned for ford and then put in the F trucks so all i an doing is seting it to the internatanal specks and i do plan on keeping it a long time ( see the extra filters in sig)all the mods i have dun only come in play when you press it hard and i will not do any thing that i think will bomb it
Depends on what you mean by fastest. Mine won't be the quickest, but it might hit the highest top speed in double overdrive.
Looks like there are at least 2 here (so far) that will beat mine with high 14s, low 15s. But at near stock and 7500 lbs on 33" tires and 19 mpg, I aint complaining.
The Duramax is far from De-tuned. The Duramax in its current form really isn't capable of much more before it is going to need serious overhauling. The Cummins will continue to raise the bar and I'd bet this will result in serious changes. The 6.0L Powerstroke is not even in competition with the Duramax or Cummins for power anymore, it is out classed by both.
YOu're going to get a LOT of disagreement there. You'll have the dmax guys up in hands now. I'm sure BadDog is going to have something to say.
Your trying to make a joke, right? DMax not detuned? Not capable of much more before it is going to need serious overhauling? ROTFL! Tell that to guys running custom computers and "stacks" (more than one box in tandem) getting low (and below) 13 second times in 7500lb trucks with nothing more than head studs (and some without). And making more verified dyno'd power than a Cummins can put down without needing o-ringed heads and other internal mods. Or I could be wrong, maybe that took turbo tweaks for the DMax? But I have yet to hear of a single puller or drag truck that's needed any significant motor upgrades unless it was one of those WAY out there, pushing the edge or "test mule" trucks. Several guys are running over 500 hp and 1000 ft/lb trucks as daily drivers and weekend warriors. I know of one guy who tows his drag car and service trailer with one, and then unhooks to race the truck! I'll give you that the Cummins bottom end is probably ultimately capable of more, and the o-ringed propaned/nitrosed, twin turbo (and the like) Cummins still rules at the pulls and drags, but the DMax with little more than a chip (the after market is only recently getting involved with custom turbos and the like) still competes and sometimes takes the prize. At least this was all true based on what I've read up to about 6 or 8 months ago when I quit paying attention…
You've missed the point. GM isn't going to build trucks that way and warranty them. When the Duramax came out, it was 300 HP and 520 ft lbs. Now it's what, 305/600? Either way they've pushed the envelope--relatively stock trucks are hitting high EGTs as it sits. The Cummins 610 motor is the same way...1300 degrees loaded on a mountain is pretty common, even not to full GCWR. These engines are not de-tuned. Without exhaust modifications, they're capable of hitting unsafe EGTs with their stock programming. No matter how much power a Diesel engine makes, it can always make more. It's just a matter of how long it'll last at that power level. I'd say that the Duramax in its current configuration is going to need some improvements before it will be able to offer more OEM power. If not, I'm sure the engineers would have tuned it to exceed the Dodge/Cummins trucks simply so their number would look better. I really don't think that the Dodge is capable of any more from the factory right now either. They already changed the turbo casing for 04 so they could run 4" all the way to the turbo to decrease EGT. What's next? Factory 6" straight pipes and twins?
Your right, I did misunderstand your point. And on that I agree. But I still disagree with your use of the word "detuned", which was the root of the misunderstanding. They are, in fact, "detuned" by definition since they are capable of producing MUCH more power with only (relatively) mild "tuning" and (reasonably) negligible effects on longevity. However, we agree that changes must be made before the manufacturer can feel comfortable providing these trucks and warranting them at the higher output, not the least of which would be transmission longevity and EGT issues, not to mention perhaps other chassis limits. But the engine itself is easily able to handle the turned up output without serious adverse effects on longevity. So, with improvements in the exhaust and transmission on the DMax trucks, you can safely and reliably provide 50% increases (or more) in power using nothing more than a chip.
2006 the D-max should be coming factory with optional 5" exhaust and a 700 ft/lbs of torque rating in a "performance 3/4 ton". They still have plenty of room to grow.
I guess this is where I misunderstood. De-tuned to me, means, while the engine may be capable of more (such as with the Cummins in OTHER applications, it has factory numbers much higher than pickups are available with) and has to be de-tuned from those numbers to achieve the necessary longevity in pickups. De-tuned to me means that it already has a higher power output level available somewhere else, but it has to be "turned down" to be installed in this application. While this IS definitely true for the Cummins, and at one time was true for the PSD and may still be, I'm not sure that the Duramax is available anywhere else with more power than it has in the pickups, but I coudl be wrong.
IS that V8 6.6 even used in anything else? I am under the assumption that the heavier trucks equipped with Dmax's have 6 cylinder versions, like the 4500-5500 trucks.
Tim, no biggy, just differing definitions I guess. Not sure if the DMax is available anywhere else with bigger numbers or not. Bobby, isn't it avialable in the Top Kicks? <shrug> Not sure, seems like I read that though. No idea on the power levels if it is in fact available in the MDs...
I'm positive Gm uses them in the Topkicks, but I had heard they were a different engine, a 6 cylinder Dmax.