We're looking at the possibilty of getting one of those wind deflectors to push the air up over the front of our new 5th wheel when it gets here. Does anyone else use one of these and which one? I don't know if it would be worth the money for the "wing" type or just the plain angled ones. Thanks
I've never used one. My father inlaw has one on his Dodge 2500 v10. He says he gets better mileage. What it is, he doesn't say. (he doesn't want it to be less than mine). Anyway, I see them on alot of rigs while camping, but I've never considered getting one. The front of my Sportman is kind of sloped back to start with. Where his is quite square. He leaves his on all the time. Says its a conversation piece. lol
i like them, unless its always hooked up i dont think its going to make up for all the time it would take to remove it and reattach it...
Air Deflectors I am interested in one of these as well. My 5er is 13' 6" so it has to help. I have found one or two but it has been a long hard search. Taylor wing has a clip on style. If anyone else knows of others please let me know.
Hey ya'll, I did not want to hijack this thread but I also did not want to start a new one just for this. I have the same problem just a diffrent application. I was hoping that someone could help be as well. I too am looking for a way to deflect the wind over and around my new race car trailer. I just bought a 24 foot Motiv, bumper pull, enclosed car trailer. The front of the trailer is real flat and the inside height measures 7'. The front of the trailer measures 102" wide and about 8 1/2 to 9' tall. I have a 2006 Dodge with a 6 speed manual tranny and a mildly tuned up engine. Problem is that the wind goes over the hood, windshield, and then to the roof and then into the bed. Once in the bed it flows over the tail gate and hits the trailer. My first solution would be to purchase a camper shell that is taller than the roof of the truck. I think that Leer makes it. It starts out at the same height as the roof and slopes up towards the rear. Does anybody think that this is a good idea?
Never heard it called that before. I want something that is functional, removable, and looks good too. I maybe asking for to much.
Ok , I looked into this a few years ago it goes back to the " Good, Fast, and Cheap" You can usually get any 2 but not all 3 The is one company makes one that will lay flat against the cab but blocks the rear window and pops up when you need it. I try to find it again.
Everyone I have talked to said, they are great bug deflectors. No mpg gain to speak of. Otherwise you would see plenty of folks pulling RVs having them. Especially those making a living hauling RV's.
Like this...http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Air-...ryZ50072QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I met a guy a few weeks back that had one and said it worked well.
I was thinking of getting one. This company, www.taylorwings.com/default.tw, has a decent looking product in my opion. They also claim a 10% fuel savings which would add up. I sure would like to hear from someone that has one. Steve
Taylor Wing I have a Taylor Wing. I bought it last year and its worth every penny. It helps inprove gas millage and helps keep all the bugs off my Fiver. I also noticed that when passing semis I dont feel the push from the wind coming from the front of the rig. I dont keep the wing on all the time. My neighbor and I can remove it and install it in 10 minutes. It takes about five bolts on each side. The only problem I have is alot of people point and look at the truck when Im not pulling my trailer. I have even been asked if it is a solor panel. If you want picks I can get some. I have yet to install this on my new ford but I will.
I just won a Trail-Eze II stake mounted wind deflector off ebay. I am going to pick it up next week and then the modifications will start. I have an over the rail toolbox that coveres most of my stake pockets so I will be cutting the bottom off and making new mounts for it so that I can use the existing holes that are drilled through my bed rail. I need just a little something extra to help out with the turbulance because my camper sits too far back from my cab. I will try to post up results but I won't be making another trip until February. Well.. I am towing from Dallas back to Alabama next week but I won't have the deflector before then.