Ive read that ford is puttin a new engine in their rigs for the 2007 model year. is it true ???? any thoughts ? :stir:
From what I understand yes, unless something has changed should be a 6.4 I believe, maybe someone with some more info will chime in.
Yeah supposed to be a 6.4 From what I understand it will be the exact same motor bored out a little making it a 6.4, and pre turbo and turbo units. Most people say twin turbo, but that not exactly right. The first turbo thingie will just force the air to the real turbo. also it will have many more electronic do dads. It has the making of a nighmare, I hope im wrong cause I like the way fords look and drive. Can you imagine that, the same 6.0 bored out to make a 6.4 That alone scares me. same ole same ole. not to mention all those egr's! But we wont know for sure untill late '06
So it's a sequential turbo? Wierd. They are proven in many applications - one basically feeds the low RPM, the other for high, they make for virtually no turbo lag. Should be an interesting truck to drive until the motor blows. rotfl Marc
the first designs did have two turbos. the newest prototypes do not. will be a very quiet engine. instead of the oil over fuel injectors will have a high pressure pump (1800 bar) and injectors similar in design to the dmax injectors.
Still is a sequential turbo design i have the spec sheet in front of me with a picture of the final engine, Yes it will be high pressure fuel system instead of oil, you crack an injector line loose and you could lose a finger!!!!!, Also the grille will now come open with the hood like a dodge. GONNA BE A PITA TO WORK ON
I have heard that the new 6.4L will be using a common rail system instead of a HUEI system. Wouldn't that require a substantial redesign? I've also heard that Ford will be using sequential turbos. opcorn: