The reason the big companies don't care is because many of them are only paying 2.50 a gallon. They are running cheap freight and when the fuel...
Do you love to drive? Interested in Seeing America, Driving Your Truck and earning above average pay while doing so? We are a small company that...
Giddy Up Go Transport I am looking to add one truck to our fleet at the end of april, maybe a little sooner. We do not use our own trailers,...
I am suggesting that until you have towed 500,000 miles on a particular rig, you don't know if it is built for towing or not. I have yet to be...
Howard, To be perfectly honest, the cost of insurance and licensing, part time hot shotting is not a good idea. The insurance will run you 7-8K...
Bfrt&m Okay, I just read the post on BFT and I have to say that it is a nice little set up, but I would gladly put up my 300K + mile 06 5.9 up...
many states require no less than 1 million in commercial liability and 100K in cargo insurance is the minimum amount you should carry. If you are...
I have continued to rasie my rates over the past few years, and we have a formula that even calclates truck washes and Electronics into our...
The rising cost of fuel is getting us all, but to put things in perspective, think of it this way and don't panic. with an average of 10 mpg...
Things not to do as a Hot Shot or Trucking Company I have owned every kind of trailer you can think of from 20 utilities to 53' enclosed. My...
U****... I mean USHIP I have had a problem with USHIP since day one. The only redeeming quality to the site is it is a free place to get your...
My insurance runs 730 per month per truck to run 1 million liability, 100K Cargo and Physical damage. I have been fighting illegal hot shotters...
The law is very clear that any combination of vehicle and trailer that has a GVW of 10,000 or more is a commercially rated vehicle. This applies...
We have hired addittional drivers, I want to thank all of you who responded. We have filled the current positions and will not add any other...
When I am empty, with no Hydrogen system, I get 22.3 when I am loaded, I avearage 13.8 with heavy loads and 14.7 with light loads, running...
I just thought I would throw this out for anyone interested I have a customer that has an 03 that lost the 6th gear in the trannsmision and just...
I am currently looking to put on 1 or 2 trucks for january. If anyone is interested, please give me or sunny a call at (512) 494-5345. We run...
RV Transporting Information I own and operate a small trucking company and perhaps I can provide you some information. Hot Shots are drivers and...
They are both made by Tekonsha, as are most brake controllers, I haul professionally and I prefer the P3 I have been using it for over a year and...
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