I think that that is what I am going to do. It is so expensive to build one from the ground up and buying an already built one almost cuts the...
that is exactly what I want!!! Wanna sell it???;) What are the specs?? Got any action shots?? I like the zuks but have seen too many of them go...
So I think that I am going to keep the XJ as a street vehicle for my bride-to-be b/c it is paid for and is still in fairly good shape. Also I have...
Got any pictures of the hitch?? Im curious
http://www.turnoverball.com/index.htm Get one of these with the 5th wheel hitch accessory. It is the only one that I know of that completely...
Here fixed it for yawaytogo
I didnt gradu8 hikes cool for nutun!!:doah: rotfl
I am toying with the thought of doing it even though I dont stand a chance at being competitive. You never know...maybe they want a 6.5 stocker...
No Definetly go with the Goose. How far are you planning on pulling it?? If it is just shorter trips (50-100miles round trip) than I think you...
No Way!! Vintage tow-rigs are way cooler than newer ones. If I didnt need a truck for work I would want a Decked out 70s Chevy CC Dually with a...
Looks like a fun project...so the Motor from the red truck is going to get put in the white truck and the white trucks turbo is going to be bolted...
x2 That would way overload the tires on a SRW truck. Not to mention push it all over the place like Bobby said. What are you planning on hauling...
http://shop.easternmarine.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.prodInfo&productID=4328&categoryID=148 I have a friend with an 03' Expedition and he...
I think that the best way would be to find a wreaked Straight axle truck and take everything from the front and transfer it to your rig. it would...
Exactly!!! IMO someone is an Idiot for not wearing their seat belt. Anyone ever driven a bumper car with out the seatbelt on?? Now try doing that...
Welcome aboardwaytogo
Get the Line-x I have a Rhino that came with the truck and it looks horrible!!! The edges werent trimmed straight and it has chunks missing all...
Huh...You should be able to apply the brakes with the slider alone. Try calling Tekonshas tech line and see what they say.
I need to replace the shocks so I think I am just going to get the Air Shocks for now and then save some $$ for the bags...Thanks guys!!waytogo
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