I get paid the same day I turn in my paperwork. Everytime, no excuses, as long as they have it by 4pm that is. If not first thing in the am.
I'm think about getting a 3 car wedge and do some towing for extra cash. Just need some South Florida connections first.
try talking to used car dealers and find out who they use! Or just hang out in an Auction Parking lot.
StrictylV8 what kind of haulers have you been looking at? Checked ou a few here lately my self. Just wondering on anyone eleses thoughts on what to buy. I looked at a Big Tex dual tandem that was set up and ready to go, straps, rail, balls, winch the whole 9 yards but they are at $14,500 on it. Going to try to get over to another dealer and look at a Take 3 tomorrow. I have another place near me that has Load Trail wedges but I havent gotten a price on those yet either.
Justice, From what I have seen I like the big tex best. I just sitting around waiting to find a nice used one. Don't want to pay to much out of pocket. Want to try to keep my overhead low.
Striclyv8, I found a tri axle Big Tex here no rail so if you wanna do campers it wont work for $8000 OTD. I want the rail so im passin it up. If youd be interested let me know, Ill give you the details on it. Where ya located? Im in illinois.
Have you checked out Central Dispatch, nothing but brokered loads there, perhaps you can find some that are located up your way. I use the site to "TRY" to find something decent paying, but man it's been tough lately, might just go back to driving someone else's crap and not worry about my own anymore.
Sorry fatboys. Have you checked out Expresstransporters.com cost $70 a month to sign up (i think) But there are auto, boats, campers and mics things on there.