...and they forgot to mention that YOU HAVE TO PULL THE CAB OFF THE FRAME to remove almost any major component from a Ford 6."oh no"...I wouldn't call that "easy service"...:doah:
i really wish there werent the bad 6.0's out there that made all of them get the bad rap. really that engine is so fast and tows like a beast, but its over looked because theres those out there with problems...its sad. but i think everyones mind will be changed with the 6.4.
Don't get me wrong I love my truck. I love the 6.0 in my truck. I have had no problems with it. My statements of it being the weakest of the three is based on tuner use only. Stock I think all three are very equal. They all have their pros and cons.
Same way with cars or trucks everyone has pro's and con's reguardless of what some may say get what you want cause you will be the one paying for it free advice after all is free.
not much on technical stuff, but I don't understand how something can get worse fuel milage and be commended on being more efficient and better? I had a 98.5 that got upwards of 22 mpg on the interstate and now have an 07 that gets less than 15 mpg on the interstate same driver with the same driving habbits but my 07 is is mo-betta?? not on my back pocket!!!!!!!!!
thank god! someone else like me!!! mine has never gotten better than 15 mpg on the hwy! and ive got 33000 miles. although i have the 4.10's and you have 3.73's.....you should be gettin better than me...