I got diesel at a "bargain" price here in the bay area yesterday...filled up at $4.31/gallon.....$153 later I was done. That was the cheapest price I've seen in the entire east and south bay area. Most other places are at $4.50 and up. Was in SF last week for work and saw it at $4.91/gallon.
Filled up the towrig the other day at $4.09 a gal for diesel, a full tank cost me $125.00. The only good news is I don't have to commute.
Welp, I have a 1/4 tank left of $4.09 a gallon diesel, currently it is $4.29, so I guess I bought low and consumed high. I used to only get 30.00 or so at a time, but it makes sence to fill the tank up now as it will be lower than when you fill up the next time.
Well its around $4.80 in places around Arizona, By my house its 4.69 and I got a great deal in Phx yeasterday at a truck stop at 4.57. oke:
Here's the mentality we're dealing with in one example that I personally experienced, and can be multiplied thousands of times throughout the U.S.A.. I get a knock at the door two days ago. A young man of college age with a clipboard greets me with a smile and a "Hello.". "I'm representing folks who are fighting global warming, and pollution of our planet.". I expressed to the young man that I didn't buy into the global warming hype, and even mentioned to him that we just experienced a mini-ice age that finished up in the 1700's, where millions of souls were lost to plague, starvation, etc.. because of the downturn of global temps.. The fellow's eyes glazed over, and then he started on his memorized monologue of how we need to invest in alternative energy, and especially solar, and wind power. I explained to him that wind power is a negative sum gain, as it was subsidized by the U.S. government way back, and folks were building expensive wind generators for small bucks because us tax payers were paying for them. Also I explained to him that these windmills don't pay for themselves unless they are mainly subsidized, so the money has to come from somewhere........it isn't free. The electricity these windmills produce in their lifetime will not pay for cost of the windmill generator. I explained to him that his group probably thought this an abomination, but "nuke" power was the safest, cleanest, means of power available, and that groups such as his had thwarted, continuing atomic power plant production in this country, via scare tactics of horrendous undocumented/supported consequences to our populous, starting with brainwashing our children in the public school system. He just didn't get it. I asked him which country in the world has experienced the worst consequences of the Atomic age? He said, "Japan, of course!". I agreed, and asked him if he knew what Japan was doing about supplying electric power to their grid? He didn't have a clue. I explained to him that Japan is building Nuke power plants..........Yes the folks that lost so many of their own at Hiroshima and Nagasaki! I asked why would the progressive Japanese follow that plan of supplying their nation with power, and us, the U.S.A. who had a little "blip" at Three Mile Island, that was blown all out of proportion by the anti-nuke/anti-growth/anti-everything movement do just the opposite? He hadn't a clue. I asked him what he thought of hydrogen as a future fuel? H20 out of our car/truck tailpipes would be great? He agreed. Well, the only plausible, mass scale way to do it is through electrically breaking H20 molecules apart and not through algae, fuel cells, or hydrogen generators. Right now it is negative sum gain when it comes to using hydrogen as a fuel to replace oil, natural gas, propane, methane.....etc.... Why? Cause it takes more energy to free-up H2 from water than the amount of work or energy you get from it when you burn it in an internal combustion engine........................Yet!...........If we had a major nuke power plant expansion in the U.S.A. we would end up producing excess grid power, and could start using the excess to produce or H2 from water, and start stock piling it. France and China are on a nuke power plant building frenzy. France is determined to be extortion free of OPEC oil dependence for their power needs/production. We have been hit with scare storys about spent nuclear fuel not being safe to store anywhere.......and how it will leak out from it's containers and poison the earth and underground water supplies...............All undocumented, unscientific scare tactics! The nuclear fuel utilized by a large reactor that powere, for example the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier will last roughly 20 years. In other words, the Ronald Reagan is fuel every 20 years. Now it isn't cheap to mine Uranium and break it down into fissionable material for reactor rods, but the science and technique or industry that does this has high safety record. Secondly, the spent fuel rods from nuke plants are reused. The spent radioactive fuel is reworked and from that some useable, fissionable material is reused. The remainder is dumped safely using techniques that will containerize it longer than it's dangerous radioactive life. Amount of radioactive waste: Folks think we are dumping tons or truck loads of radioactive waste.........that isn't the case. The actual, physical radioactive material is very small, but the containerization of it is large to insure safety from leakage. Japan got the bitter end of the nuclear age, yet they are embracing clean, safe nuclear power for their future power needs..............Us, the U.S.A. who introduced the world to the modern nuclear age have been castrated by anti-war/anti-growth scare mongers who would prefer that we go back to the agrarian age and all get behind a pair of oxen, and live in the stone age, or in solar octagon houses with pit toilets. You can blame oil companies all you want.........., but supply and demand do affect prices at the pump. I don't own stock in the oil companies, and it's been a real burden for me and my family and our relatives to cope with the price of fuel lately. We are definitely changing our lifestyles to adjust to this big gouge on our monthy budget. Years have gone by, where so many fruitful, potential oil reserves have been made off-limits on our own nation's property, because of these "green" organization, such as Sierra Club, Earth First, etc.. and their immense lobbies in Congress and our state legislatures. These folks have tried to convince us that the sky is falling.........for the last 40 years or more..........Predictions back in the 1930's were, that our oil reserves were going to be depleted within a few years........yet this country seemed to keep "chugging" on finding more energy/oil reserves. The Dakotas show great promise; ANWAR, off the California coast......where drilling has been stopped for many years................the Gulf of Mexico........oil shale........Canada's oil sands.............These oil reserves are larger than the Saudi reserves! The Alaska pipe line project proved that man could extract energy and do minimal affect to wildlife........That project goes back to the 1970's...............That's over 30 years ago, and our scientific know-how to extract oil and transport it is even safer, and more environmentally sound. Our we going to let a handful of scare mongers, who have poli-sci, and journalism degrees from our liberal universities control us and convince us that they know what's best for us, and we are just stupid sheeple, cause we aren't empathetic to Mother Earth? I hope the tide is changing..........The most advanced coal burning power plant in the U.S. spews more radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere burning coal, than all the nuke plants in the U.S. combined.
Eightballsidepocket, how come your not running for prez? If only everyone could make this much sense right? Diesel in Kodiak, Ak is $5.12 for the discounted stuff on base...Lucky for me I cant drive too much being on an island.
$5.32 yesterday. We still get to buy the plain old low sulfur stuff too. How are prices around the rest of the country?
that is just down right wrong!!!! $4.65 in galveston tx, and i think its way too much for diesel. well maybe u.s.a will get things right again for us americans.......
Diesel dropped some in San Jose, Calif.(Silicon Valley). Best prices are a tad below $5.00, at $4.87-$4.99. Also unleaded Regular can found at $4.29 presently, and that's low for the S.F. Bay Area here in N. California.
diesel I signed a petition somewhere about drilling here it was at americansolutions.com I think Im not sure on the website. Thats the only wy to get it to come down in my opinion
Paid $4.239 at the J in OKC yesterday morning, now back home this morning here in Vegas and saw a sign for $4.599. FWIW, regular UL was $3.449 in OKC , picked up 21 gallons of that while I was at it. $3.819 for it here.
Diesel can be bought currently here in San Jose, Calif., for $4.70's on up. It was all running $5.00 + a few weeks ago. Still ridiculously high.
Here in upper desert calif. Valero fuel is 4.85 a gal. I used valero fuel in my 6.7 once and lost 8 miles per gallon by doing so. I use Pilot fuel and get better milage.