My dad has Bilsteins also on his burb. waytogo As to your previous post, I would imagine that the HD trucks have a "heavier" steering feel to them since there is more weight up front from Dmax and heavier components, not only that but I would imagine the newer GM's handle better than my dad's '98.
I've driven samples of the big three US cars and trucks over the years. GM has always had lighter "feeling" PS compared to ford/ dodge across the lines. I think its just a GM thing. Its the way GM does it.
Good lord this is a long thread! I have a Chevy, but I prefer SFA. That said, I love my Chevy, but would have considered another brand if I ever planned on lifting it. Marc
Hehe, good one Joe. And Bobby, look back a few pages, we've covered the service thing as yet another "myth" based on problems cause by various "lifts" and the like. At least nobody was able to provide evidence to the contrary. AFAIK, IFS is little or no more problematic or expensive than SFA in the normal use case (as a tow rig).
I fixed it for you, I'm sure thats what you meant. Since Dodges don't break down and everything.. rotfl
Hah, it'll take a lot more than that to "ruffle my feathers". You successfully provoked a reply, but that is all... :stir:
Ha,ha rotfl rotfl That is funny ! But it makes me a little sad because it's true in my case ...... I love my truck but it has been in the shop more times than I care for. Tom
Man I can't believe you guy are still beatin' this dead drum. rotfl Come on..... We all know what makes a truck........even if your truck has to have A-arms :stir: BadDog. I've shown alot of people this thread and even before I can put a word in on your defence they say BS. Now this is from guys that JUST bought 2500 HD's and already having to replace tires. Dealership tires mind you which doesn't say much for all brands. These guys and myself still question GM for not having the D60 as a option or a equial SFA. Seriously in all due respect they would sale more trucks IF they would offer the SFA. You have your preferances and I have mine. I have always been a GM fan unfortunatly my Cummins came wraped in a Dodge. Maybe were just stone age good ole boys but damn it a truck is a tool and you better get use to it's harshness. waytogo
Let 'em call BS if they want to, it still makes no sense. Do they also claim that SFA 4WDs have better tire wear than 2WD? Because that's basically what they are saying when they claim IFS fronts wear out tires. Or did they lift theirs and stick on over-sized tires? If so, that's a whole different issue and unrelated to IFS for our discussion. But my '02 IFS wears 33s so well you quite literally could not ask for better, even though I don't rotate as I should and it's only been aligned once in the entire time I've had it. And I can't say much about the factory tires (mine came off within 20 miles of purchase) except nobody ever seems to get decent service out of them. But I do have real world experience that says otherwise on general tire wear since mine has worn VERY well. In fact, just as well as any 2WD truck I've ever had and better than any SFA (and there have been several of all different makes). So, I still have seen NOTHING to make me think that SFA is better than IFS for a *TOW RIG*. Lots of people calling "BS!" but not one solid argument against IFS IMO. SFA does have it's "pros" in lifted trucks (longevity, cost, ease, etc.) but that's really about it. In fact, before this thread I was also willing to give SFA another point as "much cheaper to maintain" but based on this discussion, I'm no longer convinced that is true relative to other modern SFAs. I'll also give SFA the point for initial cost since that is a fair amount of what drives up the costs of GM 4x4 trucks (as I recall, GMs 4x4 upgrade option is quite a bit higher than the others). Oh well, I'll never convince the die hard "SFAs rule!" crowd any more than I'll dispel the other myths that abound. "Dodge sucks!", "Ford sucks", "GM sucks!", "IFS sucks!", "Cummins is best for LD trucks because it was used in LD trucks!", and on and on. But hopefully the lack of any solid, supported argument against my assertions in this discussion WILL convince others who are not already dead set in their ways to not automatically write off IFS if it is suited to *their* needs...
True, true I would not wright off IFS either. The few that I know with the stock trucks seem to be having problems with the outer edges of their tires in full lock due to the unequel A-arm design on pavement and also no return to center after full lock is made which I also experience in my 98 2wd. Once again stock heigth. Aftermarket is just that. Not always engeneerd corectly as opposed to factory.