Opinions on the TST Powermax CR chip

Discussion in 'Dodge 3rd Gen Cummins 5.9 (24v)' started by JOE 600, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Dave@BD-Power

    Dave@BD-Power Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2005
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    Abbotsfordf BC
    My 2 cents

    The TST is a great product, it builds big HP and is complete with gauges etc... it also builds big heat like any other product building that kind of power. We used the TST to test our single and twin turbo charger kits because it built so much heat and power, it was a great benchmark testing unit. We were barely able to reasonably run it on power level 10 with the twins and keep EGT's down. You are going to have these EGT's with any product capably of making 200 additional HP. The stock turbo on the Common Rail Cummins is good to about a 60HP increase before it starts to run out of its efficiency range, at 200 additional HP that turbo is just gonna pump hot air into the motor and over spin itself and eventually fail, sooner than later.

    My point here is why have 200 additional HP if you can not use it :confused:

    If you do have a turbocharger that can handle additional 200HP and you are cranking out 500-600RWHP, what about the transmission and fuel pressure :confused:

    Be careful when you are buying products from companies that don't offer the complete package or neglect to tell you that you need to upgrade other components to run an extra 200HP or even an additional 80HP for that matter. Its the old sales saying "sell what ya got"

    I know most of you are familiar with what is needed to run 500-600HP just wanted to point these things out for any novice readers who may think adding 200HP is just a simple plug in...

    Hope this helps
  2. Diesel Nut

    Diesel Nut Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Sacramento, CA
    Dave is right onabout this, however, I found that I never crank up the chip. Stock truck but Super B and exhaust I was running around on 5x4 or so to make smoke and power and enjoy it. Mileage was great due to the advanced timing. Now, with the new sticks and the 150gph fass I never run it above 3x3. I make max power at 3x2 (592hp).
    My point here is that yes the TST is an awesome box that can really change your truck. Yes it advertises a 180-200 hp increase WHEN PROPERLY EQUIPPED. But, if you use your head and use moderation it is the same for any chip. You know your limitations weather its a TST, Edge Juice, BullyDog Downloader, Superchips, or whatever. To do it right you have to address more than just one part of the truck.
    So, you need to educate yourself on what the chi affects and what you will have to do about it, or decide that you are willing to limit the use of the chip until you upgrade other areas. My apologies if I stepped on anyones toes!

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