PowerStroke(T444e) vs. Cummins facts

Discussion in 'Brand Wars' started by budkole, Oct 21, 2005.


    DMAXRIG Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2006
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    Right on!!!!!!!!!!!!waytogo

    I use to agree with everything you just said. Use To!! The inline with out a doubt work alot better in our tractors and in the big rigs. But, I believe Inlines have their place. I personally love the feel of the V8 diesels, but its all preference. I'm Cummins owner and have two sitting in our drive way at home!!! If I had to choose, Dmax hands down!!
  2. mario

    mario Active Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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  3. Bourdon1350

    Bourdon1350 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2006
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    Weatherford, Tx
    Ive been wonderin that same thing! :confused:
  4. Beeram305

    Beeram305 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    I'm sorry, that is the funniest thing I have ever heard. rotflrotflrotfl
  5. RJF's Red Cummins

    RJF's Red Cummins TRC Staff Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I live in Modesto California
    It has to do with your post count, as you gain more posts it will change.:D
  6. Bourdon1350

    Bourdon1350 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2006
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    Weatherford, Tx
    i think i just realized that since mine says 3/4 ton hauler now. but thanks!
  7. carguy9135

    carguy9135 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Highlands Ranch, COLORADO
    Ya, you get more than 10 i think, you go to 3/4 Ton Hauler, then 100, you become a 1 Ton Hauler, and etc...
  8. Bourdon1350

    Bourdon1350 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2006
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    Weatherford, Tx
    well looks like i have a ways to go then...ha!
  9. mario

    mario Active Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    ya know i figured that out about 2 seconds after the brain fart that made me type that
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
  10. rocknbronco

    rocknbronco Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    Flat Top Mtn,Tn
    and the lists go longer on whats best to own..lol
  11. will

    will New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    You know almost nothing.

    I'm serious about that.
  12. Beeram305

    Beeram305 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Will, you are full of ****.

    I'm serious about that too.

    I'd love to see you race any newer diesel truck, anything other than stock and you will get crushed. You said you beat people across an intersection, most races go a little longer than that.
  13. RJF's Red Cummins

    RJF's Red Cummins TRC Staff Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I live in Modesto California
    Coming from a guy that thinks his econo getter 6.2 is a PSD, Dmax, Cummins killer.

    Although, you could likely beat me across an intersection, only due to the fact your econo diesel doesn't have enough power to hardly chirp the tires and I'd be sitting still at the line trying to not melt my tires off the rims.:rolleyes:

    Just because you manage to zip past someone from a light doesn't mean much, it takes TWO to make a race...:poke:

    Regardless if you like it or not, the 6.2 was an engine designed mainly to deliver better than V6 fuel economy and engine longevity. Thats mainly why you could get them in 1/2ton 10's. GM clearly stated that it is an engine with 305 power (it's factory power numbers reflect that of a 305) with V6 economy, as I just said GM clearly stated this. WIth it being a diesel and having more low end torque, it could out pull a 305, but not do much more than a 350.

    Like it or don't, I don't much care. Diesel Power magazine has a great article that you should read if you haven't already. They took identical '97 2500 Suburbans and compared them head to head, one with a 6.5TD and one with a Vortec 454. In every aspect but fuel mileage, the 454 completely spanked the 6.5TD.

    With that, I have a vortec 454 Chevy also. My stock Cummins can hand it's butt to it pulling loads.

    I am sure your turbo'd 6.2 is right around the power of a late 6.5TD, and thats on it's best day if all you have is a turbo added.

    The 6.2 was designed mainly for fuel mileage, and light duty towing, like it or not. Your turbo'd version really helps, but still doesn't even get it close to what a PSD, Cummins, or Dmax is. Not even on the same planet as those three engines.

    You like to point out you can spank them "across intersections" (intersection racingrotfl ) and can beat them due to computers limiting fuel. Bring your 6.2 up against a 12V Cummins Dodge, no computer. Once again, not even on the same planet as a P Pumped 12v Ram.

    Lastly, I'll take you are also calling me BS on my fuel mileage remarks, as you didn't specify. I would bet your turbo upgrade does help mileage, and I won't make any statements on what I think they can do mileage wise as I have no idea. BUT, an N/A 6.2 DOES NOT lay down the mileage of a Cummins/PSD/Dmax in identical trucks. Like I said, 6.2's have a hard time crawling out of the teens with a 7K rig, not a dinky C10 regular cab.

    If you plan on pulling out the BS flag again, at least back it up this time, and I'm serious about that....:poke:

    DMAXRIG Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2006
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    rotfl rotfl rotfl Tell em RJF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im sorry WILL but I do not believe you. The 6.2 is just not up to the PSD Cummins or Dmax. I have family friends that use to run them on their Farms. They were for the most part reliable, but SLOW and WEAK!!!!!!!!!!! They did put an after market turbo on one and it would outrun a stock 6.5, but would never touch a Cummins PSD or Dmax! Im sorry but Im calling shananigans on you WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. rocknbronco

    rocknbronco Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    Flat Top Mtn,Tn
    Sounds as if one chose to build a 6.9 turbo set up it wouldnt touch a 7.3,6.0 or 6.4.The 6.2 and 6.9 where not powerhouses and have never intended to be just marketing starts to see if folks would buy them that happily got us to where we are now.I have seen non turboed 6.2's and 7.3's in action the 6.2 didnt hold up as well and is always needing maintence vs the 7.3 taking it for the long haul.The non turbo diesels arent the same beast as the new turboed engines and I feel are not a competent either like it or not 7.3's,6.9's and 6.2's turboed or not will never preform as well as the 6.5's,5.9's,6.6's,6.4's,6.0's,or 7.3's yeah and do not forget the 6.7's.
  16. Beeram305

    Beeram305 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Will you got pwned. Not just owned, pwned. rotfl
  17. will

    will New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    Is that what you think? Is this the first time, in 25 years of working with 6.2s that I have encountered adversity?


    I just want the truth to be known by the 'little guy' that doesn't confuse his truck with his penis and simply wants to get the job done.

    I tow all the time and I know what my truck can do. It's you people that don't understand diesels that will suffer from this conversation, not me. I've been driving diesels my whole life.

    I know for a fact that you know jack about 6.2s if you think a modern engine gets better mileage. That truck in the picture below gets 23 highway empty and 14 pulling that trailer (8,000# with one Bronco II on it) 65mph. if you want to drain the tanks, put in 5 gallons and see who can go the farthest--with the looser having to carry a pair of cinder blocks with a pole through them like a coolie, let me know. Wear comfortable shoes.

    The 6.2 uses a high compression, high swirl Ricardo combustion chamber that is extremely efficient. Jim Allen (the Jeep Bible guy) told me he has seen 30mpg in 2wds. He covered 2 of our events for Offroad Adventures magazine. Unlike gasoline motors, diesels were always fuel-injected so the advantages a computer controlled EFI gas motor has over a carb motor are not transferable. You can't assume newer is more efficient. It's certainly cleaner, and it's certainly more powerful because that part of it matters now where it didn't used to. But a set of 18:1 pistons and a 25psi turbo on an old 6.2 and you are back in the race if you can fuel it.

    The old 6.9/7.3 and the 6.2 all share the same DB2 fuel pump. The stock pump is capable of delivering 250hp/450ft# of fuel. The engine doesn't matter. With a turbo, you can burn all that fuel up. My truck doesn't bellow black smoke--it gives a bit during hard acceleration and then stops when the engine catches up.

    Peninsular Diesel will sell you a new 6.5 (yes, they are still made 25 years on) with a 400hp, 600ft# pump and bigger turbos. Same upgraded idiot pump, same engine.

    Diesels are way simpler than you think. You need air, you need fuel: you make power. It doesn't matter about that 24 valves and all those electronics and that you have enough exhaust to run a Signature 600. Fuel, air, power. Why do you think a 6.2 can't blow in air and spray in fuel? In fact, check out this guy. He decided to use two pumps in parallel and used a Holset turbo off of a 15 liter. Wimpy, huh?

    You think the Cummins name means anything? The pistons know they are in a Cummins so they have to try harder or old Clessie is going to use them for an ashtray? You think the diesel fuel you use contains more BTU's than mine? It's a pure fact that the factory fuel curve on my truck is more agressive than the factory curve on a newer truck. I showed the graphs. It's that Cummins thing, isn't it? Or you can't understand fuel curves. I'll explain it to you: It's the amount of fuel the engine is given access to at a given rpm. Because an '02 7.3 6-speed is an absolute dog i acceleration compared to my truck means nothing, of course. Because I am an idiot. And thefact that the '02 7.3 did better in hills with the cruise set doesn't register with you either. It just proves you aren't reading what I wrote.

    How many people that really use their trucks to tow all the time have put all that silly crap on it? Percentage wise--none. I see people with wedges, fifth wheel campers, horse trailers all the time. Factory exhaust. I pass them on hills and they don't try to win. They pass me, I don't try to win. It's just driving and my truck does it just fine--even with big trailer loads. It's been doing it for years.

  18. RJF's Red Cummins

    RJF's Red Cummins TRC Staff Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I live in Modesto California
    Don't come on here with an attitude that you know more than everyone else and are superior. If that is your attitude, you'll be gone as no one will ever take you seriously.

    You say because someone has a modern rig that isn't stock must mean it's a **** extension.....get over yourself with justifying a 25 year old truck in your driveway by means that anyone that doesn't have the same or what not doesn't work like you do or use your vehicle any differently....:rolleyes:

    I drive a late model Ram Cummins, I have lots of performance parts, and I tow the crap out of everything with it. And....for that matter my daily driver is a 1981 Chevy k30 crew cab, like yours, but mine is clean, has a service body, and gets used every day for farm and mechanic work. Don't pull old iron garbage talk with me, it won't fly. I own a ton of diesel equipment, you've got nothing over me and many other members here, like you think you do.
    You get 23 empty and 14 towing...thats nice. I get 23 empty and get 13-16 towind depending on which of the many trailers of mine :)poke: ) I am pulling. Not to mention the fact I am easily making twice the power you are and my truck itself weighs another 1,000lbs than yours does, and mine has a factory 4" lift with wide 33's. You've got NOTHING on me with fuel mileage. Get your 5 gallons of diesel, hook that trailer up, I'd do the same, and YOU bring a good pair of walking shoes because you wouldn't get any further than I would. :popcorn:

    I looked at your graph. What I can see is a turbo'd 6.2 makes around 350ft lbs at a nice and low 1400rpm. Granted, thats pretty low RPM's with a decent fuel curve, you're right. It still doesn't compare to a modern motor. My factory Cummins lays down 460ft lbs at 1600RPM's. You can guarrantee there is every bit of 350ftlbs at 1400rpm's. I'm not impressed with your graph.

    extremely efficient combustion chambers??....rotfl On an engine that is indrect injected....

    My factory Cummins make 235/460, with a better torque curve. 250/450 is not impressive on a modded pump.

    Don't act like you are teacher and am going to teach everyone how to breathe....

    24 valves mean nothing, just a larger bill for a head rebuild....

    Since you think electronic diesels are so pathetic....

    You can say what you want about electronics, but your mechanical pump has nothing over an electronic pump. Plus, you conveiniently keep forgeting to mention a 12V full mechanical Cummins in your posts. The P pump found on later 6BT's is one of the hardest, nastiest fueling mechanical pumps around. I see people building monster motors to build lots of power from idle to 5,000 RPM's. I don't see anyone using the fuel system off of a 6.2....is this just because the diesel performance crowd hasn't relized the full potential of a 6.2 pump with a monster 250/450 power capabilities and an axle twisting 350ftlbs of torque at 1400rpm's?:popcorn:

    Once again, I looked at your graph, and I find it to show nothing impressive, and for the most part, fairly week. 350 ft lbs of torque at 1,400rpms that slowly and sluggishly rises to a peak of 400ft lbs at a nice and lousy high 2,000RPM's is nothing to brag about. Infact, if I had a 6.2 I think I'd try to bury that graph....it's pathetic.

    It's not a Cummins thing...it's not a PSD thing... and it's not a Dmax thing. It's the engines that get it done, not names. They are more efficient, far stouter internally, and produce far more power at ANY RPM than a 6.2 diesel with or without a turbo.

    Lots and lots and LOTS of people. Just because 6.2 GM diesel and performance is an oxy moron, doesn't mean it doesn't work great for anyone else.

    Thousands apon thousands of people hop up their diesel rigs to pull better, I for one. My Ram will out tow a brand new 2006, and that means something to me because I pull ALL the time and helps shoo away the new truck "bug."

    You for two, your 6.2 didn't come from the factory with a turbo, and you added an aftermarket turbo to improve mileage and towing performance. So...why do you have that silly crap then...hmmm?:poke: :popcorn:
  19. rocknbronco

    rocknbronco Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    Flat Top Mtn,Tn
  20. Beeram305

    Beeram305 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    I'm starting to see more and more new members on this site who can't get along. I've been a member for a little while now, and we've coexisted well given the fact that this is a Mopar, GM, and Ford friendly site. Some new members just like pushing the envelope and like confrontations. Don't start a fight on the internet, you aren't proving anything. You drive what you drive and thats great. You might think against the grain, but don't think someone isn't going to call you out on it on something that is common knowledge. This applies to this thread and another I quit replying to because it is a lost cause.

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