i go to church usually every week since i play drums for worship but because i lost my son last week i havent gone in one week and thats because i was taking my bro in law to the airport. and i do have to say with the different forums i have been on for hobbies and stuff i am impressed with maturity
I grew up in a church. Left for near 10-12 years. Returned 6 years ago because I felt a void I couldn't fill. Started working with the youth, middle and high school kids. I tell ya, they're face with way more difficult stuff than I was at that age. I hear ya about the high tech blitz going on now a days. I've seeing the same thing in our church. Thing I have to remember is that's "man" in charge of the money. They're not the one I'm there for. I respect all that don't want religion pushed on you. I truely beleive in God and still cringe when I hear someone Bible thump'en others. I believe that, if I live my life right and God nudges you, we'll talk. But if not, or until He does, we'll still talk, just about other things and continue to build a friendship. Thanks for the thread. You're all great people here.
I guess I've got pretty much the same story, Used to but not anymore. I know its a sorry excuse but with all the work I'm picking up lately its kinda hard to turn it down. Besides I got tired of the $$$ thing going thru the doors.
Im in the funerals and weddings group. Ive gone a time or two with my grandma and twice with an old gf thats it. I do believe in a higher power. I am also bverry impressed on how well this thread has done, try this on pirate4x4 and see what happens. :doah:
Im on and off, it kinda depends on the mood of my parents. I voted Easter and Christmas cause we always do that. Im Catholic so im pretty packed with religion just never really use it or go to church.
Yes every Sunday I can go. Why do I go? Primarily to learn and study. Secondly because I'm part of the multimedia staff and as such I run video cameras and the video feed board etc (our church actually uses the technology it has to spread the Word over TV). I don't know how much our church has in technology and frankly I don't care, it really makes it easier for the people who otherwise wouldn't see it or be there.
I go, most every sunday I'm in town.. I attend a small non denominational church, which believes that the promises laid out for us in the bible are available to the believer today, by the power of the holy spirit. In other words, it's not just about salvation and eternal life, it's about healing, deliverance, prosperity and victory. Tom
i dont go as much as i should and we have a pretty easy going church (lutheran) it usually last no more than 45 minutes on communion days and around 30 minutes on the others. only thing is im usualy fishin on sundays when the weather is decent and to me thats the greatest church to attend...nothing like being outdoors with all of gods creations appreaciating it all. ill have to vote for the ceo but i go more than that
Every Sunday! I go every Sunday morning (twice) along with Sunday School, Sunday evening and Wed evening. Of course, I'm the pastor so I'd be missed if I didn't go! rotfl I went just as often before I went into the ministry. I was ordained when I was about 39. I was raised in church, fell away when I went into the Navy, and God brought me back to himself through my wife. Check out our website if you want to know about us or hear our podcast! http://www.jenisonbible.org
Church I gone just about every Sunday I might have skipped a few but I will keep going to church because I really don't mind it and I love God!
Every Sunday most favorite Day of the week.Love worshiping and giving to the Lord Jesus.I thank God for giving his only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins.In Jesus name.God Bless you my friend and everyone on this site...........Guys and Gals give thanks and pray and Miracles will come your way.
What a great thread, no flames! I don't miss many Sunday services, but it hasn't always been that way. I was raised in church, saw the huge "hypocrisy" issue about the time I joined the Navy, and didn't want anything to do with those hypocrites. Stayed away for about 10 years, then went back to work on my personal relationship with Christ; I now look at him, not the worshipers around me! As long as the word being taught is solid Bible, it doesn't matter what the name of the church is or how the people dress. God Bless All, Tony
I went every Sunday for 21 years! I missed about a full year due to work schedules, but now that I'm married I've started going again b/c my husband has never been.
I would like to challenge everyone to listen to (if available in your area) to either a KLOVE or MOODY radio station for one week. Not just hear the words, but listen to them. When God made us, He created a God sized hole that only God can fill. No amount of anything else can fill it, only Him. I'm thankfull for all the honesty w/o hostility that you all have shared here. Archaologists are to this day, digging and uncovering more and more proof to support the bible's claims. With more than 10,000 pieces of manuscripts, it shadows the mere 300 ish of the works of Plato. In short, Jesus is alive and He is real, now what will you do with Him?
These are the people everyone should be concerned about. As is typical of groups like this, their influence is far out of proportion to their numbers; http://www.religioustolerance.org/reconstr.htm
Challenge Hey, did anyone take my one week challenge? Well, if you did, very good. If not, thats ok too. But, if you wanted to and couldn't find a station, why not try klove.com or wmbi.fm? And finally, if you want to talk to someone live with questions, try 888 - NEED HIM for an unbiased answer. Scott