Believer - who once was lost. I attend church every week I attend mens bible study on monday and thursday evenings - we meet in a barn for one meeting and in a garage for the other. I sponsor a wednesday morning breakfast for men who have or would like to have a relastionship with Christ. The men in my groups are all guys who were not so good once upon a time. Or as one of my brothers says - "we were more like a lost ball in tall weeds". We all have all found Christ and it has turned our lives around. Our families are better for it as well. Our testimonies are heartfelt and freely given. When I am not worshiping my Lord, serving his children through my ministires or serving my family - you will likely find me in my 3/4 ton cummins (Banks Stinger Plus) - or one of my harleys, or driving the vette. I am a crazy truck/bike/car guy like most of you. Praising my Lord and being his faithful servant comes first. And I still have lots of time to enjoy the toys in my garage. Rich
i went to church this easter... and fell asleep.. first time in church in about 20 years, and i only went because the GF at the time asked me to... needless to say im single now... lol
You've got the right name for THIS thread.rotfl On a more serious note, it's hard to go against your parents and teachers, striking off on your own with your philosophy, but it can be done. I did it and I grew up in a very small town in the Miss. Delta. You can't get much more religious than that area. Because I was so young when I changed my views(15), I did not tell anyone except my parents until I got away from there. Although they tried to talk me back into religion, they were very understanding about it when I stood firm. And after almost fifty years I have not seen any evidence that would send me back to religion. My belief is it's up to everyone to come to his or her conclusions about a supreme being. For me, as a famous mathematician once told Napoleon, "Sire I have no need of that hypothesis".
not religion Unfortunatly, most people think that 'going to church' is about one religion or another. Or even one vs. another. Jesus never once said "follow this denomination" or "join this affiliation". He said ...follow Me... All Christian denominations have their good points and their bad points, but when you take your eyes off of the One who offers you the free gift of salvation, meaning He took the punishment for our sins (one sin is enough to keep us from entering heaven), thats when the trouble starts. Look, its not about religion with its flawed human embassadors, its a relationship with the one living God. Try this: Scott
You forgot to list the Sabbath as an option... I attend Evansville (WI) Seventh Day adventist Church. If you look on the calendar, you will see that the start of the week is Sunday, and thus, the Seventh day is Saturday. This bit of trivia has not changed in recorded history, but still one of the popes made a decree that stated that all should worship on Sunday. If you want more information, read the book titled THE NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW. It is a very good read!
Go to Church when not camping Teach a collage class at church and my wife is the church administratorwaytogo
Do Chruch Know most of the reasons for not going to church. Spent years being critical and using many of the escapes I have read today. When it was shown to me, in the Bible, that God is infinite, Loving and that my only salvation was through Jesus Christ life began to make since. Some organized religion confuses me. Man, I tell you. I am just passing through with this physical body on my way to eternity in heaven or hell. When I read the fine print with mentors it was clear that the choice was mine alone. No excuses, read the instructions, follow the life giving program the best I can and I have assured my next future. Yes, I go to church, support the widows and orphans, home missions, foreign missions, and study the Bible. My life and my family life is better because of it. Been there, done that, and I can assure anyone that ask, this new life, 20 years now, is simply a test for the future. Cooperate to graduate.
I go every Sunday that I am able, my work schedule is 4 on 4 off 12.5 hrs shifts rotating days and nights.
I am active in my "second family"... My wife and I serve as Ushers,and do a lot of other thankless tasks that are needed for worship services,, bulletins etc. My wife is a "proxy minister" that goes out to old folks homes and shut ins and serves the blood and bread of our Lord to those that cannot make it to Sunday services. We both serve in the church community once a month building wheelchair ramps for underprivileged people that cannot afford to have ramps built for their homes. Go in peace,serve the lord. Thanks be to God. .
As a kid I to was raised a Baptist and attended chrristian schools from 3rd to 9th grade and the rest of schooling was public school by choice. I found that most of the other students in church schools are as big of phonies as they learn it from home . To be a christian means to be christ like and I don't recall christ going to too many churches except to clean house of the money changers. Also I believe in God and I feel thats a personal relationship between me and God. There isn't anything wrong in going to church if you can find one thats for real and not wanting to build a huge monatory place. The bible says, where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name He is there also, nothing said about a building. Sorry if I steped on anyones toes.